Wednesday, July 8, 2009

The thing about me...

The thing about me is that I’m an opinion person.

I have opinions about, well, pretty much everything. I'd love to say that I’m always right, but I know I’m not, and that’s what makes me human. My passion is voicing my opinions. The best moments are when, in doing so, I make someone think...just a little bit differently than they did before. Maybe with more openness, more humility, or maybe just a little less self judgment and hatred. Call me humanitarian.

As a kid, my best friends were a large rock in front of my house, my Tiffany tape which covered hits such as “I Think We're Alone Now”, and my mom (priming me for co-dependence and enmeshment issues, but more on that another time). My kindergarten teacher Mrs. Zilkie thought I was the best thing since sliced bread, and told people to “watch out for Brooke, she is going to make something of herself.” A year later in first grade, I got stuck in a bathroom stall and thought I was going to die there…so much for making something of myself. It was the first and only time in my life that I didn’t speak up. I didn’t yell or scream. I just sat there and hoped someone would come, someone would find me, rescue me. But as it turns out, you have to speak to be heard, who knew?

And that’s why I’m here. This is a space for you to speak up, ask for help, be heard, and listen. It’s a space for me to help you out—this is after all, what I do for a living. And I love talking. My therapist friends call me an “extroverted thinker”-- basically a really nice way of saying that I put it all out there. And they’ve also told me I’m smart. So I’m going with it… I’m not only saying, but writing what I think. And being smart about it.

So speak up, be heard, and listen…lets see what happens.

And that’s the thing about me.


  1. I really like this idea. I sure have alot of things I could talk about. Believe me. So thats that.

  2. I really look forward to what you put out and step outside your box to let me think more...I hope the male people find it interesting too.

  3. Sounds fun. I look forward to reading more and getting to know you better. And who knows, maybe semi-introverted me will even find I have something to say.

  4. so... is there a way people could start posing questions to you now? and get your feedback? and a way to do it anonymously? you rock girl! this is gonna be great=)
